Hi Darrell, Yes, I wondered how well it would handle shell windows myself, it's why I was look for anyone who might be thinking of trying out SpokenInterface. I was also interested in how well it handled installation. I also think you're right: SpokenInterface isn't competition for Speakup, it's a different market and a different philosophy (open source as opposed to closed source). I reckon SpokenInterface is more competition for windows based tools like Jaws: The cost of a mac+OSX should give PC+windows+Jaws a real run for its money. I also suspect, because the mac is so GUI driven, it will appeal more to low-vision users, rather than to blind users, though I'm sure people will disagree with that... It will be very interesting though, to see how well, and how seamlessly, integrated Apple have managed to make SpokenInterface seem to users, and what Speakup can learn from it. Apple are very good at look & feel (and design in general) so my guess is we'll learn something of use. /bob dodd --- Darrell Shandrow <nu7i at azboss.net> wrote: > Hi Bob, > > There's really no comparison. While Speakup provides excellent > access to > console-based applications and the Linux OS itself, it doesn't handle > any > graphical user interfaces. Spoken Interface is designed for the > Apple OS X > GUI. I wonder if it is even going to do anything if the user opens a > window > to the shell available in OS X... __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html