Since the blazer can also speak whatever comes in through its parallel port, you theoretically wouldn't need lots of paper. I'll have to try this some time to see if it works. I assume the print screen key on the keyboard is used to issue the print screen command? Greg P.S. My machines here all have Award BIOSes, anyone know if this works for a fact with Award BIOSes? On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 11:18:19PM -0500, Tom and Esther Ward wrote: > Hi, to access the bios the most helpful tool is a braille printer such as a > braille blazer. You can sometimes use a print screen command to print the > entire screen to a braille page and follow it through the menus and to see > the options and what they are set to. > It takes alot of time and paper to do it right, but the method does work in > alot of cases. > If you don't have a braille printer then all you have is sighted help to > depend on. > > > > -- Free domains: or mail dns-manager at