Hi all, Igor, best place to learn about Math braille translators is either on the EASI site at: http://www.easi.cc Or at John Gardener's site who's URL I forget, but if you google, you'll find it. You might also try looking on the DOIT site from University of Washington. Whosie Berksteller has done work on this type of stuff too, or at least there are references to math and braille translation there. Have no idea what's available in Linux, perhaps T.V. Raman? But you better be prepared to read docs if you go that route, or he won't talk to you! He's an old curmudgeon! <smile> You'll probably have good luck, Igor, he is a misogynist. He may treat you like a human being. Also, if you can corner him on the reflector, try Larry Baggett, he may have the info you need. Ann P. -- Ann K. Parsons email: akp at eznet.net WEB SITE: http://home.eznet.net/~akp "All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost." JRRT