Define simple. Everything's complicated until you know how it works, then it's not so complicated anymore. If you think Word is simple, I'd have to disagree. WordPerfect 5.1 wasn't simple until I learned how to run it and how to get help with it. If you want something that's simple, you likely mean that you want something like something else you've used before, and you probably won't get anything like that. However, not knowing what you've tried, I can't comment as to its relative ease of use, complexity, feature richness, or anything else. Unless you tell us which editors you've tried already, we really can't help you find one that might meet your needs better. Having said that, however, may I suggest nano? If it's not on your distribution, it should be. It's very like pico, only more so. And there are two lines of help at the bottom of every screen with more available easily. Actually, nano meets a lot of my needs. I use it or emacs. Is it simple? Well, I'd say it's easy to use, but then again, I've used it (or pico, which is similar but less) for about 10 years, but I did get started with it pretty fast. -- Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV ------------------------------------------------------------ Help us bring our child home! Visit to find out how.