Hi Cheryl. Put a script in /etc/init.d and call it alsarestore, or what ever you like, as long as the name does not conflict with something else. The script should look something like #!/bin/bash /usr/sbin/alsactl restore # last line in the script. Make the script executable with chmod 755 alsarestore, or whatever you called the script. Now comes the important part. In /etc/rc2.d, make a link to the /etc/init.d/alsarestore script like this: ln -s /etc/init.d/alsarestore S99alsarestore Pay attention to the capital S at the beginning of the link name. The S means that the script should be started when the system enters run level two, which is the default for Debian. The 99 says to execute the script after everything else in /etc/rc2.d has been executed. If you examine the files in the /etc/rc2.d directory, you'll see that they are all links to things in /etc/init.d. The file names that start with a capital K are executed to stop anything that needs to be haulted when the system enters this run level. Hope this helps. Gene