Well to add onto the current thread, I would like to persue development of middleware or whatever nees be to connect Speakup with the DECtalk software synth. I'm currently in conversation with some folks at Fonix to confirm some things about specs anc controling the synth so from Kirk's point of view or whoever else on the list, what do I need to glue this stuff together. I think the programmer's guide from Fonix will cover what I need from their end but not sure yet. So far, the 'say' command yields pretty decent sound so think if we can get Speakup to work with this, we'll be off to a gient leap! If someone else is doing anything already on this, I don't want to step on any toes but... If not, I'll forge ahead and if so, I'll be glad to help however I can. I still think hardware speech is the best way to go but the laptop experience is much easier with softsynth. Anyway, look forward to any further comments on this stuff. -- HolmesGrown Solutions The best solutions for the best price! http://ld.net/?holmesgrown