the reason this doesnt happen is because 95 or so percent of the deskop user market runs winblows so it wouldn't be worth it for a company to write such apps. further, linux doesn't have the gaping security holes that windows does which allow spyware to be installed without any user intervention. On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 05:31:17PM -0500, Jes and guide dog Harley wrote: > Hi, all. > As someone who has been a windows user for 5 or so years, it was only in the last 2 or 3 years I have seen a gradual increase in > companies who put the everdreaded spyware and adds on their sites. I have watched helplessly as this business has grown steadilly, > and frankly, I am worried that soon, Linux will be the next culpret as far as privacy invation and spying. I know a lot of you on > list have raved about how secure and better Linux is than Windows, and I might agree with you, but my question is, how is it that > Linux is not getting bombarded with all this excess trash such as cookies that tracks people's movement on the internet? If you'd > like, email me privately at: jesman598 at with your responses, as I do not wish to clog the list. > Thanks. > Jes > > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > -- Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.