Hi, Cheryl: You are so right. They're killing off our email, and it's a sad thing, too. Here's my best cut at an answer ... Definitely use spam assassin. In fact, push the threshold score down to 5. With a proper procmail recipie, you can have messages that meet or exceed this score automatically moved to a "spam" folder and marked for deletion. Why? So you can look in that folder to see if you're getting many false positives. Obviously you wouldn't want many, but you might accept some. There's also a good recipie for dumping duplicate emails. I'm attaching several of my .procmail recipies for the good of the order. Lastly, take some of the more offending and common terms into a procmail kill file. Do you really expect to hear about viagra or perscriptions from your friends? I don't. So, anything with the word goes straight to /dev/null. I have found this helps a lot and I'm willing to lose a genuine message or two to kill spam by the hundred. So, herewith some examples. Cheryl Homiak writes: > From: Cheryl Homiak <chomiak at chartermi.net> > > Can anybody tell me if there's a way to get rid of these stupid emails > about viagra, sex, how to get drugs online without a prescription, and > other horrible and/or stupid stuff. I know there's spamassassin, but since > the emails come with different subject headings, often innocent or > important-looking ones, and they're always purportedly from different > people, I don't know how to get rid of them. I never knowingly did > anything to solicit such stuff, and email used to be a complete pleasure, > but sometime this summer this kind of junk started becoming prevalent. Of > course, I usually can avoid reading it; if it tells me to pick up my order > for instance and i don't have an order to be picked up I delete it, and if > it's supposedly to me but the index in pine doesn't give a name or email I > know I delete it. but really, I don't even want the stuff coming here. > Thanks for any suggestions. I'm really frustrated!!! > > > -- > Cheryl > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup -- Janina Sajka Email: janina at rednote.net Phone: +1 (202) 408-8175 Director, Technology Research and Development American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) http://www.afb.org Chair, Accessibility Work Group Free Standards Group http://a11y.org -------------- next part -------------- #Set on when debugging VERBOSE=off #Directory for storing procmail log and rc files PMDIR=$HOME/mail/.procmail LOGFILE=$PMDIR/log # INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.test #Remove Duplicate Incoming Messages :0 Wh: msgid.lock | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache #send fetched mail through spamassassin # :0fw # | spamassassin -P # :0e # EXITCODE==$? #Send spam to the spam mbox # :0: # * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES # $HOME/mail/spam # # INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.afb INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.lists INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.kills INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.playsound -------------- next part -------------- :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^From:.*mariamabacha /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*crap /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*Latest Microsoft /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*porn /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*viagra /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*Janina /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*sex /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*casino /dev/null :0: #Pipe to /dev/null * ^Subject:.*webcam /dev/null