I am trying to get a PCI NIC running in my old Pentium-133, and so far the project is not going too well. The card is made by Hawkins (I think), and the chip set is the Realtek 8139 spider set. Linux finds the chip set via the 8139too module, but an error in syslog indicates that no IRQ could be generated, and that I should use `pci=biosirq'. When I include `pci=biosirq' on the line at the boot prompt, the boot process starts okay, except that I can not mute my speech synthesizer. When the boot process reaches the point where the kernel tries to detect PCI devices, a general protection fault occurs, and the whole system comes to a stop after the register and stack info produced by the crash is spoken. I really do need to get some kind of respectable NIC working in this system soon, so any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. Here is the basic info on my system: Pentium CPU running at 133 MHz 64 MB RAM 8 GB hard drive with enough space left on it to handle this task Accent PC speech synthesizer on the ISA bus VGA card on the ISA bus 33.6 Kbps MODEM on the ISA bus some sort of PNP sound card on the ISA bus (run by ALSA) 3.5 inch floppy 14 inch VGA monitor 101 key keyboard Slackware 9.0 2.4.20 kernel with Speakup as produced by Slackware So far, I have not been able to get `ifconfig' to access the new NIC to create eth0. I was hoping to get a newer computer later this year, but right now is not a good time for me to make that kind of purchase. So, any helpful suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks, and have a _great_ day! -- Ralph. N6BNO. Wisdom comes from central processing, not from I/O. rreid at sunset.net http://personalweb.sunset.net/~rreid Opinions herein are either mine or they are flame bait. SECANT (x) = TAN (x) / COTAN (x)