The thing about Linux and Cable, is that it is a plain old ethernet card as connection and that is there by default and should simply work if connected. Ok, there are more issues about dhcp and dynamic ip address allocation or having a static. What we did was to get a D-Link DI-704P router and had that hooked to the cable box/modem and then hooked all 4 computers including the two Linux ones, to the sockets on the hub. The router is set thorugh a webmin type interface on a standard 192.0.somethingorother to do the basic interface bits for picking up an ip address and registering one or few (up to 5) with the isp. I should add that these routers do depend on a m9inimum level of i.e explorer to interact with the rounter, so you'll need a windows machine to do it even now. How does all this sound so far. Bob H.