Hello all, I'm having a problem with the installation of Fedora. When I finish the main installation and I'm told to reboot I follow the instructions on the new howto. I go into the second console and change to the /mnt/sysimage I use the command chroot . then I change to cd /lib/modules then I use the following command mkinitrd -v -f /boot/initrd-{tab} --with=speakup_apollo {TAB} but it tells me that it cant find the initrd command. same with the next line chkconfig --level 2345 firstboot off it tells me that it cant find the chkconfig command. After that I just decided to hell with it and rebooted the machine. Do any of you know what's rong? I'm finished the installation but have to do it again as something whent rong shortly afterwords I'll cover it in the next mail. Darragh