Excellent. It's really fun to run across managers who get excited about lynx. In truth, lynx is a very cool browser that still outlcasses the competition on many things, not the least being speed. showell at lrxms.net writes: > From: showell at lrxms.net > > Sure would accept they aren't connected to NASA in that respect. I can > hit them with ADA thought, but wait it gets better. The gent who handles > web development accessibility was thrilled to know I could access the > site with Lynx and explained that they are trying to work with the > vendor and there are plans to take that function over internally. This > would allow them to do what they want on the front-end, but keep the > third-party back-end. Now that is very cool. I think he and I will be > working together. He's off to a conference in Florida, but I will be > chatting with him again you can bet. > > > On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 09:57:12AM -0500, Janina Sajka wrote: > > Hey, Scott: > > > > I think you have weapons in your arsenal on this front that you should > > use, namely Section 508. > > > > Go git 'em, tiger! > > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup -- Janina Sajka Email: janina at rednote.net Phone: +1 (202) 408-8175 Director, Technology Research and Development American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) http://www.afb.org Chair, Accessibility Work Group Free Standards Group http://a11y.org