Hi, Kenny: Well, you may be right, though I don't think so. See definition below. Still, language is constantly evolving, and it may be prudent and useful for us to speak of text and/or graphical consoles. Here's what I get from dict: >From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]: console 1. The operator's station of a {mainframe}. In times past, this was a privileged location that conveyed godlike powers to anyone with fingers on its keys. Under {Unix} and other modern {time-sharing} {operating system}s, such privileges are guarded by passwords instead, and the console is just the {tty} the system was booted from. Some of the mystique remains, however, and it is traditional for {sysadmin}s to post urgent messages to all users from the console (on Unix, /dev/console). 2. On {microcomputer} {Unix} boxes, the main screen and keyboard (as opposed to character-only terminals talking to a {serial port}). Typically only the console can do real graphics or run {X}. See also {CTY}. Janina