Ok, I have debian's speech-dispatcher packages and speechd_up working, and I even had it working with dectalkRT at one point, but then I did something that lost it. At any rate, I am finding myself a bit confused and have several questions. if I should be reading documentation somewhere for these, please let me know where it is. 1. I have a symlink from /dev/ttyS1 to /dev/synth. However, my synthesizer won't always be serial now, and in rebooting after at least one kernel compilation I got a message about unable to initialize /dev/synth. What do i do with /dev/synth? 2. What I really would like to do is have ltlk compiled into the kernel and sftsyn as a module; I would usually use sftsyn, but don't want to lose the capability of having speakup run early if i am troubleshooting. I assume I would compile speakup into the kernel, ltlk into the kernel, sftsyn as a module. then would I choose "none" for the default? If I choose ltlk as the default and doubletalk is turned on, doubletalk in the kernel will automatically start and I'm not sure I can then change to sftsyn, besides I don't want doubletalk to start all the time. But if I have doubletalk turned off, the system hangs for quite a while with an input time-out, and even once it apparently begins moving (brltty loads) I have to press enter to get it to finish loading. But if I choose sftsyn as the default, i get something about runaway modprobe. 3, I have an append line for any kernel that is speakup-enabled because my doubletalk is on /dev/ttyS1. do I leave this in there regardless of which synth I am going to use or do I need to comment it out if I plan to load sftsyn? 5. I notice I have in the addmodules of speech-dispatcher an epos-generic which apparently uses the same sd_generic module as dtk-generic. are these supposed to work together or is there a conflict or does it not matter as long as dtk-generic is the default? 6. Is there a way to permanently change the pitch in speakup with sftsyn from 5 to 1? I used echo but it seemed to change back when i rebooted, maybe because I am still going back and forth between synths? Sorry if these are obvious questions; obviously they aren't obvious to me!!! -- Cheryl "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."