Hi all, Doug, I do believe that what the problem is here is the lack of life's experience. Unfortunately, only time and aging and experiencing life changes the idealism of youth into the where everything is black and white, into the shades of gray perceived by the wise. Actually, I find gray is more easy on the eye, if you'll pardon my imagery. Sometimes gray is beautiful. There are very few things in this world that are black and white. However the ability to see and understand the need for compromise and for shades of gray only comes with experience. It's what's called growing up. <smile> Oh, now, I'm not saying that idealism is bad, it's just not practical. In life you come as close to the ideal as you can. Sometimes that is not as close as one would like to be, but the battle continues and one continually grows toward the light. That is how it is. Ann P. -- Ann K. Parsons email: akp at eznet.net WEB SITE: http://home.eznet.net/~akp "All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost." JRRT