Well, there are ways to use emacspeak with the same synth as speakup, but they are unsupported and what I would suggest is that you buy the $50 dectalk runtime for linux -- that will work with emacspeak and you can have both at once. Now I have found personally that speakup gives good feedback and at least with the cvs version emacspeak is not necessary, but that is a personal choice and you should play with it and see what you like. on Wednesday 09/24/2003 Guy Abandon.(text.tools at virgin.net) wrote > <<process speaker not running>> > > I get this one without being in an X-Windows environment and put it > down to lack of configuration either with a suitable speech engine > part or similar. > > > <<sounds like the emacspeak list is an unforgiving place for > newbies.>> > > I found that too, which is why I still don't use Emacspeak yet. > > I downloaded but didn't get to try the Oralux distro yet either which > is meant to boot and work right out of the box so to speak. Has > anyone made that work like that? > > Is there any mileage in trying to get Emacspeak to run with an > existing Apollo that is already being driven by Speakup? > Is it worth using plain old Emacs and skip the speak bit? -- John Covici covici at ccs.covici.com