Chris, try the rexima command for adjusting volume levels. If you just type rexima, it brings up a screen where you can adjust several settings. I'd play with the master volume and PCM volume. Log in on another console and play sounds while adjusting the settings. Once you have it how you like, if you are using Alsa, type "alsactl store." This will save your settings which can then be recalled with "alsactl restore" at any time. As for not being able to access the Windows drive as a normal user, that shouldn't be the case. You should at least be able to read it, though it may not let you write on it by default. You can change this by editing /etc/fstab. You have to know what the user ID of your regular account is for this to work. If you took the defaults, I believe Slackware starts out with 1000. Type "id" when you are logged in as a regular user and it will tell you what your UID and GID are. Using those numbers, modify your windows entry in /etc/fstab replacing the word "defaults" with something like "uid=1000,gid=100" where you substitute your numbers. It's very likely that they will be the same numbers if you didn't change anything. After making that modification, you can either reboot, or unmount the drive with the "umount" command and mount it again with the "mount" command.