Am I a dictator? You know I've recieved so much crap from you alone! I do know what I am talking about. I'd like to believe that the moderator of this list sees the light. In fact, I am sure he does because he did create alsa after all. Kevin email: kjsisco at ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jes and guide dog Harley" <jesman598@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <speakup at> Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:58 AM Subject: To Kirk and all speakup members please read. > I would like all members to read this and read this carefully. > > Because of one man, Kevin somebody, this list which is supposed to be divoted to helping speakup users trouble shoot problems and > experience the world of Linux with ease has now become a central list for flaming and has drifted way way way off topic, so much > so that it seems that almost every post from anyone on this list has to do with this excessive and unnecesarry thread, started by > one man who has no idea about Linux or Alsa and who wants to just take over the whole Linux industry. I'll have Kirk know, that > this thread has caused about 30 to 50 messages to be passed between pissed off list members and one little somebody who thinks he > knows what he's talking about when in actuality he does not. This thread has been going on for four or five days now, and it's > time for the moderator of this list to do his job. Forget about /dev/nul. Forget about kill files. Forget for a second that > computers can be our own automated list problem solvers by deleting messages from annoying individuals, and remember that there is > one human, one man, who is in charge of this list's > operation. Kirk, I'd suggest that before half of us leave because of this tyrant, you'd make sure that Kevin is banned from this > list immediately. I go > so far as to ask you Kirk, how could you have replied to Joe Norton's question about dectalk and other threads, but have refused > to do something about this controling dictator? As our moderator, please do us a favor before we lose our cool! > > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > >