I will write about several subjects. First of all, after 18-days in Linux, I am basicly enjoying my time--and certainly looking forward to doing as much or more than I did in dos/windows. First of all, some weeks ago I asked about a way to have a list of my mp3s in an up-and-down menu, where I could just hit enter--and-play one. Well, some suggested either pilot or midnight commander. Both programs show promise, however, we cannot setup "mc" to show a simple text list. Pilot looks better, but it may not automaticly launch an mp3 with enter? I suppose there could be other programs which will do what I want. Also, I guess maybe one of the new Linux desktops will help. Next, as an observation, please consider restoring the announcement of which console-and-application as we alt f1 through alt f6. Next, especiallly as a newbee I am finding the speakup help as completely useless. I am listening with speech--and none of it makes much sense. Sure I understand that in many cases multiple keystrokes will get you to the same place, but for some reason, the help text doesn't compare at all with what I found in dos under Vocal-Eyes. Maybe, as a suggestion, giving the user a chance to listen to an mp3 of the keystrokes read as words instead of puntuations. I know if I understood more about speakup, I-and-maybe other newcomers would feel more comfortable. I have now gotten used to numpad7-9 as my up-and-down arrows, so much so that when I go back to Jaws, I must think for a second. Next issues deal with my DecTalk-pc. Last evening I just about felt like slamming this keyboard with a hammer, while the DecTalk was very slow responding to arrows or controll. Please, I am looking forward to any improvements. Next, I cannot get rid of all puntuation as well as numbers. I would much prefer numbers as single digits. There looks to be nothing in the DecTalk manual to help. I even wrote to fonix who supports DecTalk. They like the folks who run midnight commander have not responded. Is speakup the only screen-reader without a pronunciation dictionary? And I think lastly, are their any live on-line interactive linux classes for beginners? I really want to feel more comfortable in this envirenment. I have some very excellent help configuring options-and-aliases. Thanks so much for reading--and despite the number of issues--and-the content, I really will be happier in Linux Hart