Hello All, I have a favour to ask of everyone. I am taking a Statistics class this semester and am required to gather data on a topic of my choice. I have chosen to impose upon you in order to gather some data. There is a very short survey at the url listed below that I would like for anyone and everyone to take. It is completely anonymous and I would be extremely greatful for your assistance. The url is: http://smed.yi.org/survey.html There are 3 questions, and the form will not let you submit without completing all 3 questions. See I told you it was short. This analysis is by no means a complete analysis of all the variables that could be used in a study of this type. It is only enough so that I may meet the requirements of my assignment. If I should one day feel the need to burden myself with a complete study in this area I will have to have one of you shoot me first. My thanks to all who take this survey, and a very heart felt Thank You to Jim Danley for putting it together for me. -- Keith Watson kwatson at smed.yi.org Among the major impediments to discovery are not the ignorant but those with illusions of knowledge. - B. Alan Wallace