The problem I've discovered is that the and a lot of other stuff seems to be hard-coded to use version 1.4 of automake and assumes it's called automake-1.4. I first tried editing various files, but I couldn't find every reference to it. Finally, I downloaded automake-1.4 and build it with "./configure --program-suffix=-1.4.". Then, I did the usual "make" and "make install" which put automake-1.4 in /usr/local/bin. I still couldn't get it to build because it now wanted /usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 and couldn't find it. I ended up making a symbolic link from /usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 to /usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4. This gets me through gnome-common, but I can't get any further because gnome-speech is looking for gnome-2.0 libraries. On top of that, I built Festival and am now hearing that Festival doesn't work properly with Gnopernicus despite what the web page says. I just got on the gnome-accessibility list and we'll see what I can get from them. I think that the whole demo on Main Menu was a really bad idea because it gives the illusion that Gnopernicus is close to complete when it looks like that is far from the truth. No matter what, I'm bound and determined to get it running. I figure it's not going to get any better without input from testers, and I have a strong desire to see Linux become a viable alternative to Windows for everybody.