here's how I see it. personally, I think you're going about this arse about face. make yur kernel. with the modules, then after running lilo and rebooting assuming of course you've copied bzImage to where /vmlinuz lives on your system, cd /usr/src/alsa-driver-xxx where xxx is the version number, and first to clean up any junk do make clean. then ./configure then make then make install. after make install ias completed, run the snddevices script located in the alsa-driver-xxx directory by issuing the following. ./snddevices then, you need to edit /etc/modules.conf or if you're using debian, /etc/modutils/modules or create a file in /etc/modutils called alsa and provide the relevant information for your card. I can't tell you off hand how to do it now but I'm sure someone else on this list can. then run the command /etc/init.d/alsasound restart unless you're running slackware and then you'll need to do everything by hand and a bit of interesting tweeking however, I digress, once alsa is running with no errors, compile your libs and utils by first compiling the libs then the utils cause the utils depend on the libs etc etc. now once you've done all that, type alsactl store to create an /etc/asound.state file and then work on unmuting and setting volume and captue levels from there. hth. -- Shaun Oliver "Before I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone." EMAIL: shaun_oliver at ICQ: 76958435 YAHOO: blindman01_2000 MSN: blindman_2001 at AIM: captain nemo 200