I have just tried to patch speakup from cvs in to debian's kernel-source package for kernel version 2.4.20 and one of the patch hunks failed. any suggestions? I will attach the .rej file. -- Unix is a user friendly operating system. It just picks its friends more carefully than others. Thomas Stivers e-mail: stivers_t at tomass.dyndns.org gpg: 45CBBABD -------------- next part -------------- *************** *** 92,99 **** static char rep; /* flag telling character repeat */ struct kbd_struct kbd_table[MAX_NR_CONSOLES]; static struct tty_struct **ttytab; - static struct kbd_struct * kbd = kbd_table; - static struct tty_struct * tty; void compute_shiftstate(void); --- 94,101 ---- static char rep; /* flag telling character repeat */ struct kbd_struct kbd_table[MAX_NR_CONSOLES]; static struct tty_struct **ttytab; + struct kbd_struct * kbd = kbd_table; + struct tty_struct * tty; void compute_shiftstate(void);