Hello everyone. The Speakup administrators have received private complaints about some folks giving inaccurate answers to questions posed by new comers on the list. We don't wish to point fingers at anyone, but would rather suggest the following tips for people who wish to be helpful by answering questions on the list. First of all, we suggest that before you respond to a question, you make sure that you know the correct answer. Giving out inaccurate information or just guessing is not helpful, since this sort of thing can lead new comers down the primrose path so to speak. If the person who posted the question didn't give enough information, ask him or her for more information before you give a definite answer to the question. Lastly, be sure to read all the messages on the list before you respond. Someone else may have already given the answer you want to give. This will cut down on the number of repetative responses to the same question. If you find someone is consistently going off half cocked, without a clue as to what they are talking about, feel free to reprimand them, but try to do it in a courteous manner. Hopefully, these suggestions will encourage folks to think about their posts. If you want to be helpful, then please try to get it right. Guessing is not usually helpful. Gene Collins