Hi listers: Yesterday, I reported trying to get Redhad 8.0 to boot with an ata133 controler card to get my 80-gig hd running. I still had no success there. However, I was able to hook the hd up to the 2nd IDE port and get it to work with Western Digital's Easy Bios utility that they use with their drives. Now, the hd is recognized as /dev/hdd. However, I couldn't get it to be called the "master" drive. The only way I can get the jumpers set so the computer will act happy and not hang at boot time is to set it so that the computer reports the hd as slave and the CD burner as master (I understand it should really be the other way around, but, I couldn't seem to make any other jumper settings work.). Now, redhat 8.0 seems to install properly, but, I am wondering if any of you have had similar sessions where you about pulled all of your hair out trying to get a piece of hardware recognized the right way and if you can give some pointers on any kind of a better solution. Thanks!