Hi I used a program that came with the sblive called creative mixer and changed the input recording source to wave device. So it records directly from the wave device so I don't have to fool with cables or anything like that.. You can change it to AUX line in and mic. I had to use the jaws window class assign program to change the class to scroll or slider I can't remember and then use my jaws cursor and click on settings. Some reason when I did not have the class reassigned it wouldn't let me click on anytrhing. Once you click on the settings it will give you a standard property sheet. I'm still figuring it all out. If someone has better accessability to the creative mixer that allows you to do more things with the specifics of the sblive card let me know sincerely, Patrick ----- Patrick Turnage E-mail: pturnage at tampabay.rr.com AOL Instant Messenger: kg4dqk Home Page: http://www.access-connect.com Connecting the world to access technology information. For all mainstream and adaptive hardware and software.