I'm beginning to wonder if gcc 3.2 or above may have some fault here. I got it once on a different machine running slackware 9.1 with same compiler when compiling a kernel. That time, I re-extracted the tar ball for linux-2.4.23 and started the whole config/compile process over again and went through flawlessly. I thought perhaps these internal errors might be hardware related or something but with flite, I can't get past it at all. For hell's sake, I might try and install the latest compiler package from Slackware's test directory and give that a go to see what might happen. I believe it is 3.3 something. On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 04:31:10PM -0500, Tom and Esther Ward wrote: > Hi, I have seen similar errors on Mandrake 9.2. I'm not exactly sure what > the problem is that causes this though. The only way I was able to get flite > 1.2 going was to compile it on a Red hat 9.0 partition, tar the directory, > and copy it to Mandrake 9.2. Which was definately not the way I wanted to > get flite working with eemacspeak and yasr. > Hth. > -- HolmesGrown Solutions The best solutions for the best price! http://ld.net/?holmesgrown