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When I try to launch zinf by selecting the link from lynx, it starts
downloading rather than streaming.  It looks as if it would download until
the hard drive filled up if I didn't stop it.

Here is my .mime.types.

audio/mpegurl m3u
audio/x-mpegurl m3u
audio/scpls pls
audio/x-scpls pls
audio/ogg ogg
application/ogg ogg

Now, here is my .mailcap.

audio/x-wav; play %s
audio/wav; play %s
audio/basic; play %s
audio/x-pn-realaudio; trplayer %s
audio/x-realaudio; trplayer %s
application/vnd.rn-realmedia; trplayer %s
audio/mpeg; zinf %s
audio/mpegurl; zinf %s
audio/x-mpegurl; zinf %s
audio/scpls; zinf %s
audio/x-scpls; zinf %s
audio/ogg; zinf %s
application/ogg; zinf %s

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