With Bill's help, I've just succeeded at getting the CVS version of Speakup to talk during the bootup process on the one system I have which uses an internal Doubletalk. We do not yet know how to get this working with external speech synthesizers, but this should work for the internal Accent as well as the internal Doubletalk. Here's how to do it. Create an initrd something like this: mkinitrd --preload speakupmain --preload speakup_[synth.keyword] [initrd.filename] [kernel.version] IMPORTANT: Be sure to issue this command all on one line even though it may appear across several lines in this email message. EXAMPLE: Since I'm using Bill's kernel patched with CVS Speakup for the current Red Hat beta, Severn, my command is: mkinitrd --preload speakupmain --preload speakup_dtlk /boot/initrd.img 2.4.21-20.1.2024.2.1.nptlspk2 PS: It doesn't talk quite as early as Speakup 1.5, but pretty close. -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at afb.net Phone: (202) 408-8175