Those don't look like network card modules. It's just a guess, but you might want to put "alias net-pf-1 off" and "alias net-pf-17 off" in your /etc/modules.conf, and see if that helps. Else, recheck your kernel config. Greg On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 11:52:59PM -0400, Ameer Armaly wrote: > Hi listers. > When I recompiled a new 2.4.21 kernel, and rebooted, everything went fine until it started configuring my network interfaces. > It said it wanted to load two nonexistant modules net-pf-1 and net-pf-17. > I looked in the kernel configuration file, and couldn't find anything with that name. > Can someone tell me what I left out? > > Ameer -- Free domains: or mail dns-manager at