For those of you wondering where egoplay went it is finally back at I have had a rash of hard disk crashes on a number of machines over the last month or so and lost a lot of data which is taking some time to gather back together. For those of you not aware of egoplay but want your curiosity sated it is my internet music stream from mostly my personal cd collection. It is quite eclectic ranging from classical to heavy metal and covering a lot of other genres inbetween. There are three streams egoplay.ogg, egoplay64.ogg and egoplay24.ogg. There are currently over 9200 pieces in the play list. These are all ogg/vorbis streams so you will need a fairly recent version of winamp or the like on windows machines to listen to them. For you non-windows users you probably already know you need zinf, freeamp or vorbis-tools to listen. For those of you not at all interested please excuse us for the inconvenience we'll just go commit suicide if that's all right with you? Kirk