Hi Unfortunately I know of no way to link the mbrola voices to flite. However, to link it to festival is rather simple: There are four files in the festival voice download site: festvox_en1.tar.gz festvox_us1.tar.gz festvox_us2.tar.gz festvox_us3.tar.gz You only need one of these, depending on which mbrola voice you'd like to link it too. Extract the voices as you would normally. Next, go into the directory created by these voices and extract the corresponding mbrola zip file (make sure you preserve paths). Finally, put the mbrola binary in your path, mine's in /usr/local/bin. Now, edit voices.scm (sometimes it's location varies, mine's in /usr/local/festival/lib). Move the xx#_mbrola item to the top of the voices list, where XX# is the name of the corresponding mbrola voice. Mine is us2_mbrola and i've got it at the top of the voices list. If you don't want to edit that file, you can remove any other festival voices you have, so the mbrola voice is the only one there. HTH