Hi all. I am working on new Woody disks with Speakup built in. Version 3.0r0 has both the 2.2 and 2.4.x kernels. Is anyone opposed to having only a bootable Cd with the 2.4.x kernel (default)? My plan is to create a bootable 3.0R0, and not work on the floppy images. The reasoning behind this is that if someone installs from Cd, they will have to spend the same amount of time downloading as they would if they booted from floppy, and installed over a network. So what does everyone think about scrapping 2.2.x? Bc what is most likely going to happen is that the person installing the system is going to upgrade to the later kernel anyway. Thanks for any feedback! May you code in the power of the source, may the kernel, libraries, and utilities be with you, throughout all distributions until the end of the epoch.