Hello I have a seller on 501 megahertz processor in a computer that has about 11 gigs free on a hard drive currently assigned to no partition. This computer has 256 megs of ram and an integrated video card that uses 8 megs of ram off the computer its self. I downloaded the Official Red Hat Linux x86 Installation Guide but when I looked through it all I got was the hard drive requirements and the fact that you had to boot off a cd or disk. I also got a link to the compatible hardware list but looking through this list or searching red hat sight didn't give me the amount of ram or processor speed I need. If you guys could tell me if my computer will run red hat in consol and x-windows I'd appreciate it. Also I'd like to know what the minimum system requirements are since I may have the opportunity to by some older 200/300 megahertz machines and this way could run it with out having to duel boot. Appreciate and info.