Hello all, Firstly I agree with a lot of you. The staff at Red hat and of course the people that helped get speakup into the Kurnel should be comended. For once though, my problem isn't with the fact that I cant get W3 to work its the fact that I cant find some applications that I used when version 7.3 was installed. mpg123 and rhn_register are the ones that I haven't found. up2date is there but has completely changed since rh7.3. Can any one tell me how to get them back? I have a feeling RH didn't do a full install. I selected custom and selected everything in the list of applications to install but it only used three out of the five cds. Thanks again Oh, by the way, where would I find the CVS version of Emacs, W3, VM and any other program that I need to set up in order to get access to the Internet and Email in Emacs? Thanks Darragh