Kerry, Maybe I'm on the wrong track all together. Here is my setup and tell me what you think. I could use imap or something perhaps, but I choose not to do so for any hosts on my network and if I wish to get mail from outside, I'd rather pull it all down instead of using imap. Ok, my box at domain is the machin I sit at and twiddle my thumbs, remote at mydomain is the server where mail is sent and thus the machine I pull mail down from. What I did is to use Fetchmail to pop the mail from remote at mydomain from, and of course mymybox at domain is where I read the excellent offersing and reply to them from. I assume what your saying here is the following is the better method for redirecting mail as opposed to using the smtpname directive which btw, works fine. I have nto of course tried this with another user's account and maybe this is the problem I'll run into. So, is there in fact a better way to do what I want? I run Postfix here which the mail is sent out on back to remote at mydomain. If there is a better way please do tell. I'm always open to better methods. I started down this road because I wanted some means for mail to hit this machine regardless if I was logged into it or not being as I do not grab mail from the outside at this point, but am keeping that option open by turning off what method and on when I wish. I checked out Fetchmail running as itself in a "system-wide" method and I couldn't get the mail from /var/mail/fetchmail file into my personal /var/mail/showell mailbox. The smtpname directive solved this problem. So, your method is the same or different? I'll look up that info you provided to see the differences. thanks Scott