Hi all. Say you're reading a msg and pine lands you on a url. Instead of viewing it, you wanna download the url. Like if someone points you to something that will bring up realplayer directly and you wanna save it to a dot ram file. Normally, I would do this from lynx with a d download, but, say if the site isn't up and can't connect, and you have to come back later, if you've done this from within a message, you are returned to pine. So, especially if this is a long url, and you get to the point in pine where it says, view selected url? You ;normally hit enter and go there, but I'd like to grab it to a file at this moment. If you do an uppercase letter A for edit app, I see the viewer command but, I believe, the url is cleared out. Is there a way to retain the url, since that's what you want to act upon? And, if you go this route, what would you then add to all that to download the url?? Thanks. Hope that made semse.