Ok folks, I'm stumpped. Myabe I don't understand what I'm doing here, but here is what I'm trying to do and what is happening. I understand I'd use mpg321 or mpg123 to play the mp3 file, I read via the man page I could dump the mp3 to a wav by using something like; mpg321 --cdr track01.wav filename.mp3. I got a wav file, but trying to play it using either aplay or mpg321 I get nothing but some ugly noise. Am I missing something here? Am I to pipe the output from mpg321 through lame to get the end product? Also, to burn these wav files to a cd to play in a standard cd player, do I other than specifying disc at once; is there anything ese I need to do like renmae anything to get the "cda" files? I think the cda files are just name pointing to the actual wav file, but maybe I'm wrong on this. tnx