If you can understand the Braille 'N Speak, you can understand the Echo. At least to me, they sound very similar. Yes, I remember BEX. It had those cryptic commands like " $$c " to center text. You absolutely had to put the spaces around them or they wouldn't work. I used it with an embosser called an Ohtsuki. Obviously made in Japan. It was a really slow embosser that could produce both Braille and print, but neither was very sharp. The Braille felt like the paper had been stepped on, and everybody said that the print was very faint like it needed a new ribbon even when it had a brand new one. It wasn't a ribbon, but a little rubber wheel and it had holes at the end of each page to detect the end of the page. Weird! I even used a shell account from an Apple IIGS and that was my first experience with Pine. That's why I still use Pine even though some say Mutt is better. It's hard to change when you've been using Pine that long.