Hi, Igor. The way I see it tootorials can be broken down into catogories. One cd can be about using Speakup, bash, and common applications such as pine, mutt, lynx, nano, etc. After all those apps don't change across Linux distributions. Then, each distribution can have its own installation setup guide such as Red Hat, Slackware, and Debian. I am also at work attempting to Speakup enable Mandrake 8.2 and we will see if that goes on the list. From: Igor Gueths < igueths at attbi.com > To: speakup at braille.uwo.ca Subject: Reply-To: speakup at braille.uwo.ca Hi Thomas. In the case on Linux, wouldn't you want people to contribute distro-specific installation instructions if they are using the tape as a Linux installation guide? Or do you intend on making the tutorial speakup only? I'm just saying because if you intend to provide distro-specific instructions, I can contribute with anything specific to Debian. Let me know if I am interpreting this the wrong way. Gates go to hell, your OS is waiting for you there!