Actually, I got this question as near backwards as possible. The truth was that gramofile was processing it as stereo, but since it wasn't, it was only coming out on one channel. so far I've found a couple ways to change the sound to both speakers, other than just changing the sound with mixer settings. to actually change the files, I found that sox -c2 new.wav -c1 new2.wav produced a new2.wav from new.wav where sound came through both speakers. I also found that using the "process signal" item in gramofile produced a process file with sound through both speakers. However, gramofile's documentation brags about it having a windows-like feel, and from what i've heard of windows, this is true. It was only by trial and error that i learned how to record with gramofile, and I still haven't figured out how one selects the various filters or tells what one has selected when processing. Anyway, my original problem turned out to be quite different from the way i had conceptualized it.