Steve: sftp is a client, not a server. If you want to tighten ftp against known security issues, read the documentation provided with the ftp servers. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. On Sun, 31 Mar 2002, Steve Holmes wrote: > I know, this doesn't have to do with speakup but I have a question for > anyone who might have had some experience with Secured FTP (SFTP). So > far, I realize that SFTP is a subset of ssh so I don't think any of > the conventional FTP servers like proftp have any chips in the deal. > I'm setting such a thing up on a private machine for my friend and > haven't been able to find much on controling access and rights. What > I've done so far is to add users on this machine like any other shell > accounts but force their default directory to be /home/ftp instead of > /home/user-id. I then put some symbolic links in this ftp directory > to point to the various download areas. So far, the permissions look > good but I'd like to tighten things up a bit; I would like to "lock" > the users into the /home/ftp directory and subdirs. Another rinkle > here is the sym links. Once you cd to a symlinked directory, doing a > cd .. takes up from that point, and not back to where you were > before. One big disadvantage to symbolic links, I guess. > > Another question, are there any sftp clients out there for linux that > might be a bit better than the strait sftp command? I wish ncftp could > do it, but it doesn't look like it can. Also many of the future users > of this machine are from winblows; what are some good sftp clients for > winblows? Personally, I like FTP Voyager but 9.0 has SSL support but > does not appear to do sftp specifically. I think it may be locked > into connectivity with their own server, Serv-u. > > Any ideas on this stuff? > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > > -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)