Hi Listers, I am a low vision user of linux and would like to add speakup to my laptop. I have been futzing around with linux for about a year, but am still a newbie. I already have stock Redhat 7.2 installed, along with WinME and WinXP. If it's not too difficult, I would like to install speakup without doing a full install of the modified Redhat/Speakup ISO's. I am basically afraid of hosing my current partitioning. Is there more to it than just replacing the kernel? I looked through the mailing list archives for clues and saw mention of ftp://ftp.octothorp.org/pub/redhat-7.2/b1/RedHat/RPMS/. Are these the modified or stock RPM's? Can someone give me some direction and/or point me to any specific doc's for doing this? Thanks.