Hi Jim, As Gene told you, I am in the process of try8ing to get my maestro3 sound card to work on a new Dell laptop. It's half working. That is, I was able to install the alsa drivers, libraries, and utilities, and I was able to load the driver for the maestro3 card. I was able to play sound files just fine. However, I am still unable to record anything, and this means I can't use the speak_freely reflector. (Krik tells me that in order to "speak" on the reflector I have to be able to record.) Worse than that, I find that when I type 'arecord ...' the whole machine hangs. I have been furtunate enough to contact somebody who has installed this sound card on this very machine, and he claims it works fine. I'm working with him, trying to make my machine do what his does. When, and if, I succeed I will let you know what I had to do. Or, maybe more likely, when yoy succeed you can tell me what yhou did. Best, Larry