On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Adam Myrow wrote: > Don't know why everybody is having problems getting Lynx 2.8.4. Start Adam - Many thanks for that information. I got it, and it compiled fine here with the --with-ssl option for 'configure'. I never thought of looking on the 2.8.3 link for a newer version, silly me! Maybe I should have tried the --with-ssl option with 2.8.3 after patching it, but there was no mention of it anywhere, so it never occured to me. I am a little happier with SW8.0 right now - if I could only get the Ogg Vorbis tools to compile I would be a whole lot happier. The tools that came with the SW8.0 distribution were the RC1 version (release candidate 1) and I have been working with the RC2 version, which do not compiule on SW8.0. It turns out that sound files encoded with oggenc rc2 cannot be played with ogg123 RC1, so I have a bunch of legacy sound files for which I need the more current player and encoder. Thanks again - I appreciate the pointer. Chuck Visit me at http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759.