After sending sp-config to the list yesterday, I learned from a couple DoubleTalk users that the tone and pitch parameters are apparently different from how they work with the Speakout, my box of choice. The program simply sends the parms to /proc/speakup/<whatever> like rate goes to /proc/speakup/rate. I gues what I need next are two things: - The various allowed parms for each synthesiser supported by Speakup. - A good solid method of detecting what synth is currently being used. I guess the second could be resolved in the short term by capturing the name on the command line using the speakup-defined synthesiser names. Since I don't own any of the other synth's, I'll have to colect this info from you all; gee, this might repeat what other speakup developers have done already:). Once I have the synthesiser identified, I could go and add the additional parms supported by that box as long as /proc/speakup files are available. Thanks for the help.