But when the DOS version runs, its that weird kind of DOS gui -- they no l onger have a text version -- the last one was 4.01. "Bruce Noblick" <bnoblick at columbus.rr.com> writes: > I have used partition magic with qualified success. It allowed me to resize > the primary partition and create the LINUX partition and the swap partition. > I tried to use a companion product, boot magic to get a choice of what OS to > boot and it booted windows 98 just fine but hung when I tried to boot LINUX. > This may have been a function of not having the LINUX partition in the first > 1024 cylinders on the disk. > > Also, in windows, the requested activities are passed to a process that > actually runs in DOS at least for win 98 and there is a shortcut to run > partition magic in DOS. I suspect that if you look into it, you might be > able to figure out how to do it in DOS with speech. > -- John Covici covici at ccs.covici.com