Hi John You can certainly use the promise cards. To install using one you may need some tricks. I believe that the Debian udma66 images have pdc support in them. It should be straight forward once you get the kernel to see the pdc. If you have crazy problems with any of it just give me a call and I can help you with it. As far as the sounding board goes if they release the spechs then Kirk would be happy to write a driver. That goes for all the synths you can think of. And hopefully once the modularization gets happening then we will see the dectalk pc and a few of the other synths that need code uploaded to them before they can work added to the list of supported synths. On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, John Gunn wrote: snip > <g>, can I install using a promise card? Which is a ide/pcia adapter card? > The reason for the card is my Abit won't support aultra 66 with the western > digital and any thoughts on supporting Sounding Board? I have received > messages both from Kirk and Joe Norton about GW Micro not giving out the > source codes for the sounding board which is kind of unfortunate but just > thought I'd ask. -- Frank Carmickle phone: 412 761-9568 email: frankiec at dryrose.com