IE does not behave as it should. A couple notes, while the extension is used, it is not the only means. Thus an exe file is retrieved in bianary mode and a txt file in text. But for unrecognized files (such as many disk images) it checks the file's header info. If that appears to be text, then text mode is used. Otherwise it is done in bianary mode. The save as dialog has no bearing on the method of downloading. It's only effect is to attempt to let you choose the name and check for other files with the same extension. If you choose to rename the file, often the extension will remain intact. The moral of the story is that Macroslop has decided users don't know what they want. Therefore they will decide. They will leave a few things in to make those who foolishly believe they know what they are doing think the OS is under control. Meanwhile Macroslop will still decide how things should be done. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at Nothing is hard if you know the answer or are used to doing it.