Hi all, I'm preparing to reinstall Linux on my pentium 3. I also tried to compile a c++ program on an old 486 I've got, and got the same errors. Whatever I screwed up, I was sure consistent about it. Guess I'll have to compile code step by step of the install and upgrade to kernel 2.4.6 so that I can figure out what goes wrong where on the way. Anyway, my question is this. The bios of the 486 doesn't support 32-bit lba. Consequently, the bios only sees 504 mb of the drive. However, in this machine's past, someone had replaced it's original drive with a 814 mb one. Since lilo had trouble booting the entire drive, I made the boot partition on the first 504 mb, used 128 mb for swap, and mounted the rest under /usr/src since source code takes up the most space (or so I thought). Appearently, my / partion is currently 100% full, and /usr/src/ is 93% full. When I do the reinstall, what is the best place to mount the second partion at? Or, what is the best way to setup the drive so that Ican still boot it and get the most out of its capcity? Thanks for any help in advance. Greg